Hollis Financials/ Annual Meeting Materials
Welcome to the budget information page for the Hollis School District. The Hollis Budget Committee is responsible for creating the budget working closely with the School Board and SAU 41 Administration. Budget development information is listed by budget rounds then moves to a budget hearing and, lastly, to the Annual Meeting. This area will be updated throughout the budget process as information becomes available.
Budget Document Descriptions
Budget Season Calendar
The “Budget Season” includes all of the School District Annual Meetings and Deadlines governed by NH RSA regulations. Here you will find opportunities to participate in the discussions leading up to the final warrant put before the voters at either the District Meeting or March election, depending on the School District.
Public Hearing Notice
The purpose of a public hearing is for the School Board to gather public comment for or against a particular matter.
Filing for School District Office
If you are interested in serving as an elected official for the School Board or School District Budget Committee, please review the filing dates, timelines and requirements here.
Voting Day
School District Election Results
Here you will learn of the results of the School District election held the second Tuesday of March. This includes election results for any open School District position.
Post Annual Meeting Results
Final School District Warrant
The School District Warrant includes all articles presented before the voters including those with a financial impact and those do not. The Warrant would include articles specific to the School District Budget, any collective bargaining agreements, allocations to a trust fund, etc. The articles must also include the School District and Budget or Finance Committee (if applicable) recommendations on these articles. The final warrant would include any changes made at the Deliberative Session.
Final Budget
This is a detailed look at the Budget that is being presented to the voters on the Final Warrant. The final budget would include any changes that occurred during the Deliberative Session.
MS22 Report
The Department of Revenue Administration requires this report to be submitted following the results of voting in a traditional annual meeting or by ballot vote in and SB2 community. The MS22 is a report of appropriations actually voted. It is certified by the majority of school board members, the district clerk and the superintendent.
Annual Meeting Materials
Final School District Warrant
The School District Warrant includes all articles presented before the voters including those with a financial impact and those do not. The Warrant would include articles specific to the School District Budget, any collective bargaining agreements, allocations to a trust fund, etc. The articles must also include the School District and Budget Committee (if applicable) recommendations on these articles.
Final Election Warrant
The Election Warrant identifies the date, time, and location of the local election. This document also identifies which positions are open and the length of the terms.
Final Draft Budget
This is a detailed look at the Budget that is being presented to the voters on the Final Warrant. The final budget would include any changes that occurred during the Deliberative Session.
Annual Meeting Presentation
This is a copy of the slide presentation that is presented at the Deliberative Session.
District Report
The District Report provides important information regarding enrollment, financial, and academic data. The report also identifies elected officials for both the School Board and the Budget Committee. Finally, the District Report provides a copy of the official Warrant, including a brief description of what the article is about.
Posted Budget-MS27 Report
A form required by the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA), the MS27 Report is the result of electronically entering all warrant information and the associated revenues and expenditures. This report is finalized by the DRA and the Budget Committee following the public hearing. The MS26 Report is the same as the MS27 Report but for school districts that have a finance committee. In this case the DRA and the School Board finalize the report.
Public Hearing Materials
Draft School District Warrant
The School District Warrant includes all articles presented before the voters including those with a financial impact and those do not. The Warrant would include articles specific to the School District Budget, any collective bargaining agreements, allocations to a trust fund, etc. The articles must also include the School District and Budget Committee (if applicable) recommendations on these articles. This is the draft warrant that is being presented at the Public Hearing. Input on this Warrant will be gathered at the Public Hearing.
Draft Budget
This is a detailed look at the Budget that is being presented to the voters on the Draft Warrant.
Public Hearing Presentation
This is a copy of the slide presentation that is presented at the Public Hearing.
Information Presented at School Board Meetings prior to the Public Hearing
Round 4 – Budget Documents
Round 4.0 Budget
This is the full, line-by-line budget as it exists in the 4th round after cuts have been made based on Board and Budget/Finance Committee feedback from Round 3. In most cases this budget will be the one presented at the public hearing.
New Items Round 4.0
This is an item-by-item explanation about new items that are being proposed in the budget as it exists in the 4th round after cuts have been made based on Board and Budget/Finance Committee feedback from Round 3. These items also will be part of the public hearing presentation.
Round 3 – Budget Documents
Round 3.0 Budget
This is the full, line-by-line budget as it exists in the 3rd round after cuts have been made based on Board and Budget/Finance committee feedback from Round 2.
New Items Round 3.0
This is an item-by-item explanation about new items that are being proposed in the budget as it exists in the 3rd round after cuts have been made based on Board and Budget/Finance committee feedback from Round 2.