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Food Service

Welcome to the Hollis Brookline Food Service Program for the Hollis, Brookline, and Hollis Brookline School Districts. We are pleased to be able to offer nutritionally balanced meals to all of our students. Our menus meet all USDA guidelines and are available at the links on the right.

​We strive to always follow the posted menu. Due to uncontrollable nationwide supply issues, we are experiencing food and supply issues. We will do our best to communicate menu changes here as we know about them.

What is the National School Lunch Program?
The goal of the food service program is to provide high quality, nutritious lunches to all students in the Hollis Brookline Cooperative Schools, the Hollis Elementary Schools, and the Brookline Elementary Schools. 

What are the School Lunch Requirements?
The USDA (US Dept of Agriculture) requires that school lunches provide students with at least one third of their daily nutritional needs. The school lunch assures that your child is receiving a nutritionally balanced meal. Menus are planned by the Food Service Director. Food Service personnel are involved in menu planning and students and parents are encouraged to offer suggestions and comments. In menu planning we emphasize variety, moderation, and choice. A healthy diet consists of a variety of foods eaten in moderation. While student favorites are served frequently, students are also exposed to new foods on a regular basis.

A full lunch includes an entrée, a serving of vegetables and fruit, milk, and dessert when available. Students who receive free or reduced meals must purchase a complete lunch. Alternate lunches (sandwich, salad, or pizza) can be ordered at the Elementary Schools. The High School and Middle School offer sandwiches, salads, and pizza daily.

How do Parents pay for meals?
Hollis Elementary Schools, Brookline Elementary Schools, and Hollis Brookline Coop Schools operate using a “point of sale” debit meal payment system. This system allows you to put money into your child’s account, and funds will automatically be deducted from his/her account when meals are purchased using their school ID # or ID cards. Parents may pay via, or send in checks, cash on a weekly or monthly basis. Always send cash in a sealed envelope with your student's ID# and name. PLEASE be sure to write your child’s ID # on the checks to ensure accuracy. Make checks out to the school in which your child attends followed by Food Services. 


                Breakfast   Lunch   Reduced Breakfast Reduced Lunch
HPS $1.75 $2.90 $0.00 $0.40
HUES $1.75 $2.90 $0.00 $0.40
RMMS $1.75 $2.90 $0.00 $0.40
CSDA $1.75 $2.90 $0.00 $0.40
HBMS $1.75 $3.15 $0.00 $0.40
HBHS $1.75 $3.30 $0.00 $0.40


A variety of healthy snacks are available for purchase at Hollis Brookline High School, Middle School, Hollis Upper Elementary, and Captain Samuel Douglass Academy. Bagels, yogurt, baked chips, crackers, cheese, fruit, water, and juice are examples. If there is no money in a student’s account then they must use cash. At no time will we let students charge snacks. Snacks range in price from $.25 to $1.50.

Questions or concerns regarding the food services programs?
Contact Amy Cassidy at