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SAU41 Governing Board

2024-2025 Meeting Dates:
Oct. 10, 2024- RMMS
Dec. 12, 2024- HBMS
Feb. 13, 2025- HBMS
May 15, 2025- RMMS




The SAU 41 Governing Board works with the Superintendent and is responsible for the SAU 41 Office budget and other planning, policies, and oversight. Additionally, it is a vehicle for cooperation and collaboration between the three districts comprising SAU41 since the Governing Board’s membership comprises the three school district Boards: the Brookline School Board, the Hollis Brookline Cooperative School Board, and the Hollis School Board.

Meetings occur generally on a quarterly basis and more frequently as needed. Governing Board meetings rotate between the Hollis Brookline Middle School and Captain Samuel Douglass Academy so they are accessible to all members of our community. Major initiatives are currently underway by the committee for SAU 41 board approval, including: the development of the SAU 41 Strategic Plan, collaboration with the teachers and support staff unions, and the non-affiliated personnel to find cost-effective alternatives to the current expensive health care plans offered to employees.

Agendas and meeting minutes
are now found here. Board Docs

How to Use Board Docs
